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Advanced Package

We will be spending one and a half fun filled hours moving about the location of your choice utilizing every option possible to capture the most amazing images that showcase your family just being themselves. A live gallery will be created with 20 images for you and your family to enjoy and download. All captures will be edited to perfection (extra edits which include air brushing and spot removals are at an extra charge). Having the option to order simple prints or to order your favorite pictures as a canvas or metal wall art allows the versatility to meet everyone's needs and style. Family size is up to 5 family members, and $15 for each additional member.

Return Ticket...

The world around us moves fast, changing everything around us with each new day. Photography is a gift that can keep us in a moment forever. Each photograph taken is a story captured in a single moment, like a pause button in life. I look at it as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone forever. Portrait Photography is the memories of our lives that are impossible to reproduce. What you have caught on film is captured forever, remembering the little things that have long been forgotten.

What Is Photography...

Essentially what photography is is life lit up. *Sam Abell*

What Is Photography...

Essentially what photography is is life lit up. *Sam Abell*